A mark inspires imagination, drives some curiosity to follow the intuitive. It's a glorious curiosity that reveals emerging images & finally a work of art. A thing that has no words captures the impulse to create. This collection was inspired by poetry, the old giving way to the new, footprints of courage & resilience: sort of a soul wabi sabi.

60x48x1.5" Mixed Media On Canvas Exhibit: ZhouB-KC Art Center, Spirit Gallery: Winter 2026, "In The Hand of the Artist"

40x40x1.5"Mixed Media on Canvas Series: Blackboard Jungle; featured at ZhouB Art-KC Center Feb-May 2025 "Homage to the Hand"in The Spirit Gallery Featured in "Creative Mornings"international newsletter, February 2025 Theme "Layers", Global Newsletter

30x40x1.5"Mixed Media on Canvas Honoring the messiness and sweetness of youth Series: BlackBoard Jungle ZhouB Art Center, KCMO

40x30x1.5"Mixed Media on Canvas Series; Blackboard Jungle Exhibited: ZhouB Art Center-KC Spirit Art Gallery 2/25-5/25

48x36 Mixed Media on Canvas. Exhibit: ZhouB-KC Art Center, Spirit Gallery: 2/25-5/25 Exhibit Feature Wall, TAAW Open Studio, San Jose,CA

24x24x1.5 Mixed Media on Canvas

12x12x1" India Ink, Acrylic, Calligraphy on Cradled Wood Panel Triptych Wabi Sabi Exhibit History: TAAW San Jose, CA Feature Wall 2021-2022

12x12x1" Mixed media: Indica Ink, collage on Cradled Wood Panel Triptych Wabi Sabi 1-3 Exhibit: TAAW San Jose CA Feature Wall 2021-2022