Turning A Corner
When are the big turning points in your life? What have been the results of those big shifts? All of us are at some turning point because of the pandemic, global political & environmental changes, plus societal major redefinitions; cumulatively unprecedented global changes happening all at once! I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. It seemed like a good time to make the pivot I’ve considered for a long time: changing my artist name and the focal point of my art work! It’s huge by itself but tiny compared to all the other changes happening in the world! Of course, it’s not only a pivot point, it is also the result of a particular & personal evolution.
People who know me know my journey to “here” is reflective of a ‘hero’s journey’: Climbed mountains. Excited. Educated by fabulous people. Awakened. Earned 3 degrees. Satisfied. Missed a million opportunities. Depressed. Traveled the world. Elated. Met mean people. Disillusioned. Betrayed by some I trusted. Crestfallen. Stumbled & fallen. Dazed. Lost money. Stupid. Crashed & disabled. Scared. Recovered. Determined. Rescued from horrific places, persons & things. Relieved. “Every Person’s Life Is Worth A Novel”, writes the most admirable author, adopted mentor, scientist, guru, psychologist, elevated, witty Erving Polster, PhD. This is a shaggy-dog-story way to introduce my adventure!
I am inhabiting the artist persona I created: “P’anne Ally” reflected in updated social media. P’anne is an abbreviation of Phyllis Anne; after altering my given name, Phyllis Ann to Phyllis Anne with an “e” for starters (another story). I added “Ally” as a last name for 2 reasons: it honors my profession as a counselor, an ally for many. Also, it’s easy to remember P’anne Ally, as in “tin pan alley”. I didn’t really change my name; my name evolved out of how I signed my artwork for many years: p’anne. You may address me simply as “Phyllis” or “p’anne” or even “pannally”, even “Hey!”.
Changes are reflected on my Instagram account, my Facebook Business Page & this website. Here on the site, I offer buying options, a blog, classes, opportunities to visit the studio plus new & archived works.
I hope you’ll join me in this wonderful, crazy, cool journey by visiting my studio at The Alameda ArtWorks Open Studios on Saturday & Sunday, May 29-30, 2021. I’ll be open from approximately Noon to 4 (give or take either side) each day.

Eleven artists are participating. (Enter at the Red Door opposite the nursery school nearest The Alameda Street, in San Jose. If you enter at the rear of the building (larger parking lot), go thru the hallway beyond the Purple Door, you will find me at the end of same hallway & thru Orange & Pink doors; there will be signs & maps.)
It’s a true Open Studio: I’ll be painting & inviting visitors to join me in surprising ways. (2 Visitors at a time; all visitors to TAAW are required to wear masks.)
Hope to see you there!
P’Anne Ally